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Media advisory – Jazz Air Income Fund to present Q1 2007 financial results

    HALIFAX, May 2 /CNW/ - Jazz Air Income Fund (TSX: JAZ.UN) (Jazz Air Fund)
will hold a conference call for analysts on Thursday, May 10, 2007, to present
first quarter 2007 results of Jazz Air LP (Air Canada Jazz). Joe Randell,
President and Chief Executive Officer and Allan Rowe, Senior Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer, will present the first quarter results and will
be available for analysts' questions. Media may access this call on a
listen-in basis.

    Details are as follows:ANALYST CONFERENCE CALL

    Date:         Thursday, May 10, 2007

    Time:         12:30 P.M. ET

    By telephone: 1-800-588-4490 or (416) 644-3426 for the Toronto area.
                  Please allow 10 minutes to be connected to the
                  conference call.
                  or in the Investor Relations section of Air Canada Jazz's
                  website at www.flyjazz.ca. Note: this is a listen-in only
                  audio webcast. Media Player or Real Player is required to
                  listen to the broadcast; please download well in advance of
                  the call.

    Replay:       Instant replay will be available beginning approximately
                  one hour after the call at 1-877-289-8525 toll free
                  or (416) 640-1917, and passcode 21228926 #,
                  until midnight ET Thursday, May 17, 2007.The 2007 first quarter results will be released prior to the conference
    %SEDAR: 00023001EF


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